Supporting employees
navigating the
disability process
Kingstree services act as an ecosystem. Clients can enter the ecosystem at one point
using one or more services or have Kingstree build a comprehensive program.

Navigating the disability process can be confusing and time
consuming for employees. Kingstree supports your injured
employee by providing them with a health advocate who acts
as liaison amongst the stakeholders to make the process
as smooth and seamless as possible.
The health advocate is a single point of communication
amongst all of the stakeholders to aid in the coordination
of care and handling of the claim.

Elements of Kingstree Health Advocacy
The health advocate will coordinate communication
- Employer team and the employee.
- Providers.
- Behavioral health services.
- Health and wellness programs.
- Community based services.
Advocacy is built into all of Kingstree services and includes:
- Absence management.
- Assistance in short and long term disability.
- Coordination with EAP’s.
- Promoting employee autonomy and active participation in treatment.
- Providing employee with treatment options.
- Respecting the employee’s culture and background.